Better Together  

Virtual Region Intergroup

of Overeaters Anonymous

Hello, Better Together Family! 

Please join us on first Sunday each month, 

(second if first is a holiday weekend)
Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting.

See below for the next months agenda, and last months minutes.

Any motions to be voted on at this upcoming meeting are included in the minutes for your review before attending.

You must be present to again read your motion prior to vote.

Please also consider joining us before the meeting as the officers and committee chairs meet to brainstorm and discuss intergroup business and speaker meeting business. 

Business Meeting BTVIG

Meeting ID: 558  759  5395

Passcode: family

A Note from the

Better Together Intergroup Chair:

Call for service!

Elections happen each year in December. 

Nominations are accepted right up to the time of election starting in October.


Nominations for IG Chair:

Up for new person in 2025

Nominations for IG Secretary:

Up for new person in 2026

Nominations for IG Vice Chair:

Up for new person in 2025

Nominations for IG Treasurer:

Up for new person in 2026

Nominations for IG Delegate:

Up for new person in 2025


Elections are to be held in December, at the 

BTVIG Intergroup business meeting.

Please join us, nominate, and vote!

You must be present to nominate, vote, and 

accept the nomination and position.

Events and Happenings at the BTVIG

HOLIDAY PARTY Click here  If you are interested in performing at our holiday party,

If you are interested in performing at our holiday party, please fill out the form and let us know about your talent! This is a family friendly event. All talent will have to go through a sound/visual check prior to the event. All poetry needs to be submitted in advance. All acts should be no longer than 3-5 minutes. Please contact me if you have questions. Lori d - 708-431-5491 central or

Once you submit the form, we will be in touch with you. 

BTVIG Holiday Party

Saturday, December 28, 2024

9:30 pm eastern/8:30 pm central/7:30 pm mountain/6:30 pm pacific

directly following a 30 minute Better Together Meeting

Same Better Together Login/password as the meeting

Past Events BTVIG Events

Thanksgiving Marathon

Hosted by the BTVIG Intergroup

OA Holiday Marathon

Starting at 8AM Eastern and running to just before the speaker meeting.

No need to sign out all day event

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976  429  200

Passcode : better

Day after Thanksgiving Marathon

Hosted by the BTVIG Intergroup

OA Holiday Marathon

Starting at 8AM Eastern and running to just before the speaker meeting.

No need to sign out all day event

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976  429  200

Passcode : better

OA Unity Workshop

Hosted by the BTVIG Intergroup

OA Unity Workshop

OA Unity Workshop

Join u s for a presentation o n OA unity from the

Virtual Region Trustee. During our question-and-

answer period, prepare a question for the trustee.

This will be folowed by a brief time to set aside

writing, meditation, and sharing.

Tuesday, November 5 , 2024

1 P M E T (UTC-5)/12 P M CT/11 A M MT/10 AM P T

a n d a second workshop a t

8 P M E T - (UTC-5)/7 P M CT/6 P M MT/5 P M PT

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 813  2949  0352

Passcode : 121212

BTVIG Service Fair

Any form of service—no matter how small—that helps reach a fellow sufferer adds to the quality of our own recovery.


Learn :

3-5 PM ET

2-4 PMCT

1-3 PM MT

12-2 PM PT


November 9, 2024

ZOOM: 976 429 200 PASSWORD: better (lowercase)

The BTVIG Presents The 9 Tools of Overeaters Anonymous Workshop 10/26/2024

The BTVIG Presents The 9 Tools of Overeaters Anonymous Workshop

Thank you to all who made this a great event!

Overeaters Anonymous Events 

Business Meeting

December Agenda 2024

Premeeting Chair and Officer Agenda

Sunday December 5, 2024

6:00 PM ET

Officers and Committee Chairs BTVIG/Working Group to Brainstorm Together:

Starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time 

(5 CT – 4 MT - 3 PT) via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family 

The business meeting will follow a working session of the officers and any of the committee chairs. The meeting is open to everyone but as it is a working session the discussion will be with the officers and chairs only. This means that the zoom room will open at 6pm eastern on 11/3/24. If available time is left open questions will be allowed.

I look forward to seeing you all if you are available.


Discuss the numbers that are being collected.

- average end time

Issues from Committee Chairs:

Request a quarterly Service Saturday (Intergroup) workshop committee? Set up dates for 2025 quarterly Service Saturday 

Update from Host/co-host/no disruptions 

Wording of one rule 

-Open Forum:

Explanation of the Officer Terms: As per the by-laws Section 5 - Term of Office
A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years. 

1) On even-numbered years the chair and secretary shall be elected. On odd-numbered years the vice chair and treasurer shall be elected.
2) Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election. 

B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. 

C. After an interval of two years, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office.
D. Upon election to the board, members shall cease to be a representative of their group they represent, and that group shall choose a new IR.

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Start Time: 7:00 PM Eastern          End Time: 8:15 or earlier by motion


Chairperson:       Russell W                                  Secretary:  Catherine P.

Term:  1/2023  - 12/2024                           Term:  1/2024  - 12/2024            

Vice Chairperson:       Lori D                    Treasurer:    Carla C.

Term:  1/2023  - 12/2025                            Term:  1/2024  - 12/2025

Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday December 5, 2024

7:00 PM ET

 via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Welcoming:(Start recording and AI)

Chairperson: Russell W   


Opening Prayer: 

God set aside everything we think we know about our higher power, about ourselves, about this intergroup, and our own recovery so we may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help us see the truth.

Minutes: Reading / Waiver of Reading / Motion to Approve

Secretary:  Catherine P.

Reports from Officers:

Lori D         - Vice Chairperson   

Catherine P        - Secretary 

Carla C -       - Treasurer    

BTVIG Committee Chair Reports and 

Data Tech 

Data tech - Matthew B.

Lori -Host / Co-host

Catherine P -Zoom Service Training

Sonya P. -Member Contact list

Matthew B    -Communications Newsletter

Kelly M -Welcome Committee

          -Speaker Seekers

Lori              -Workshops

not active       -Sponsorship Committee

Annie -     -No Disruptions

Russell   -Facebook: Admins: Kimmy H, Lori D, Russell W, Jenni R, Rena S

BTVIG Meeting Delegates:

- Newcomer Meeting Rep

* World Service- Mary Helen appointed for one year to fill in until nominations in November 2024

Mary Helen- Virtual Region Delegate

Mary Helen- World Service Office Delegate 

World Services and or Regional Visitors:

Ongoing business to review:

Motions Discussions from previous meeting:

Election Nominations 

Election Vote

*It is the group’s conscience as per a previous motion approved by group conscience:
When a motion is to be voted on the Chair seeks 3 members to speak in favor “pro” and 3 members to speak not in favor “con” on the motion with one min each to present their views.  When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken the motion is to be voted on. 

New business:

Call for any new business:

Any member in the zoom BM zoom room can bring up new business, to be considered in the meeting. Make a motion, ask a question, begin a conversation about this BTVIG Intergroup

Your voice is welcome, this is your business meeting!

What’s on your mind

End meeting motion

Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Close Meeting

Robert's Rules Hints:  

What does Point of Order mean?

In parliamentary procedure, a point of order occurs when someone draws attention to a rule violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly.

(deliberative = relating to or intended for consideration or discussion)

The BTVIG Business is a deliberative assembly.

What does making a motion mean?

Motions are statements that describe a proposed action or decision. Although the formality of Robert's Rules can seem cumbersome, the process of making motions ensures that no decision is accepted without the opportunity for discussion and a vote.

How to introduce a motion, you would say,

“I move that … followed by a statement of the proposal.”  

The motion is not discussed until it has been seconded by someone. Purpose of requiring a seconding of a motion is to confirm that more than one member of the assembly wishes to discuss it. No second, no motion.


*It is this group's conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it again without changes. 

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro” 

3 members to speak not in favor “con” 

on the motion with one min each to present their views.  

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken and the motion is to be voted on. 

Novenmber Minutes 2024

 The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Sunday, November 3,, 2024 7:00 PM E

Chairperson: Russell W T erm: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Vice Chairperson: Lori D T erm: 1/2023 -

12/2024 Secretary: Catherine P . T erm: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Treasurer: Carla C T erm: 1/2023 -


Business Meeting Agenda

Welcoming: Chairperson Russel W Opened the meeting at 7pm

Attendance – Russel, Lori D, Catherine P , Carla C


Reading Waiver of Reading Motion by Catherine P . seconded by Maryhelen motion passed


Reports from Officers and Delegates


Russ reports Claire from VR reached out today looking for a group to host a couple of pop up

meetings on Tuesday 11/5. All officers voted yes to host these meetings. Claire will moderate,

Trustee will speak - it is a unity and meditation group, they are two one hour workshops. We will

have more details tonight. BT is going to host those for the VR, in their zoom rooms.

There will be one at 1pm ET and one at 8:30pm ET . It will be the same workshop at two different

times on 11/5. Lori will be looking for co-hosts to help out - please reach out if you can help.

Vice Chairperson:

Service fair next Saturday 11/9/24 3pm ET . Chairs of BT committees will be there to explain

what service is available and what it entails. Once each committee explains what type of service

is available we will go into break out rooms for each committee so people can visit each

committee. Come to the service fair!


Catherine posted the minutes from September by Saturday to the Facebook group and they

went out with the newsletter as well. That’s it!

Per Russ we are using the AI dictation that will help for doing the minutes.

Treasurer:October financials - net worth is $8,792.35. Starting balance was $8,791.78. Donations $483 -

Venmo donations $447.71 Chase donations $35.48. Expenses $482.62 - Zoom $93.58 -

Postage $5.95 - iPostal - $14.99 - Apple/Calendly App $0.99 Cell Phone + 12 month plan

$367.11 Ending balance $8,792.35. Verifiable Workshop Donations $156.38 T ools Workshop.

T o do list:

US Bank move:

- Verified documentation required and make sure it’s in hand for in-person opening of

account. Carla has a contact for that.

- Meeting with US Bank Monday 11/4 with paperwork to start account. Chair, Vice Chair,

Secretary, Treasurer will all need to fill out signatory paperwork to act as cosigners - all

officers are ok with filling out paperwork and becoming signatories.

- Matthew B is prepared to transfer all Chase assets to US Bank as soon as we are ready.

Hopefully this week, so please be ready to work with US Bank by this week.

Replacing phone for verifications

- Cell phone was purchased to remove Matthew B’s personal phone from BTVIG

accounting tools.

- The phone is a Motorola Moto G Play 2024 64G. Plan is Mint Mobile, 5G $17/month on

an annual renewal (paid through 10/25)

- Carla will work with Matthew on transferring the phone number on Venmo.

- Will be transferable treasurer to treasurer

- Once Carla has access to US Bank, she can set up the phone for Zelle with them.

Make Donations to WSO Virtual Region

- Get percentages for prudent reserve, WSO, VR - on hold until solution with Chase is


Federal Reporting for Businesses Due by Jan 1, 2025

- No report for October. We are required to report, if at least to say we are exempt as a

non profit. This is an effort by the Feds to prevent money laundering.

Annie C had a question about the cell phone - she asked if Carla had the cell phone. Carla

answered that yes, she has the cell phone.

Russ explains that we weren’t going to be able to continue to use Venmo on Matthew’s account

- he needed it separated from his personal stuff. We needed a phone line - had an emergency

officers meeting to handle the cell phone issue to address this. We got votes from the four

officers to spend the money to do that.BTVIG Committee Chair Reports:

Data Tech Matthew B


Russ reports as Matthew not present - The website is updated and Matthew is working on it. We

will all see it in the next month or two. He is looking for help with that - if you have the skills to

create a website and keep it up to date he would love to talk to you!

Host/Co-host Lori D

Going really well, started a new quarter in October, we have a new lineup of new hosts, tech

hosts, and waiting room that quarter will go until December 31. If anyone is interested in being

trained for any of these positions let us know. You have to go through all the co-host positions

first, and some of them like T ech host you have to do all other jobs first. Host is the easiest to

start with after doing co-host training and service, and it’s a lot of fun. All our new people are

doing a great job so far. Next host positions are available starting in January so now is the time

to start with cohosting and get the experience to then move up. If you’re interested please come

to our Service Saturday.

Zoom Service Training Catherine P


Training is going well, we had co-host training on 10/25 with seven people showing up, a couple

of whom had already been through training others were all new. Amy G who is training to be a

trainer jumped in and trained the Chat co-host role. The plan is for her to take the lead on the

co-host training for November **Co-host training will be Friday 11/22 5pm-7:30pm ET**


Catherine will not be able to be present for the Service Saturday, Amy G will represent the

Training Committee. If anyone is interested in training please reach out to Catherine, she would

love to get more folks on board. Grateful to our new co-hosts!

**Existing co-hosts and hosts** please come to training for refreshers and to learn new

protocols/best practices - especially because a lot of folks can’t make it to the monthly co-host

and host meetings where a lot of the new things are being talked about.

If anyone is interested in becoming a trainer - contact Catherine P . you can shadow during


There will be one co-host training a month going forward.

Contact List Sonya POctober 47 vetted requests - 25 completed the form. Looks like trimming down some of that

helped. Welcomed Cynthia D to Wednesday nights as the Contact List committee rep. In the

meeting. Looking forward to meeting new team members at the Service Saturday.

Communications Matthew B


Matthew not present. Per Russ Newsletter is going out. Matthew is looking for other volunteers

to help with that.

Welcome Committee Kelly M

Going smoothly, have some new newcomer contact folks. Grateful to have such a great team.

Speaker Seekers Committee Amy G

No one from committee present. Per Russ we do need to have some extra help in finding folks

especially this time of year. Please ask people you hear in meetings! If you’re in a meeting and

you hear a good speaker let Russ/Lori know and they will give you the link to sign up or put

them in touch with Russ/Lori/Matthew and they will make it happen.

Workshop Committee Lori D.

The committee is doing a great job. Did the T ools Workshop last month - this was done from

scratch since we didn’t do it last year. The committee met twice a month to get it done. Got

some great feedback from this one, people liked that it wasn’t just a standard “here’s the tools”


People approached the tools from different angles and people liked that.

The workshop committee will be working on the Holiday Party. If you have talent, or if you don’t

but you want to perform anyway - we will have a really fun and joyful Holiday Party in December.

Comedy, spoken word, singing, art, come with an ugly sweater, or if you want to just participate.

It is family friendly, please bring anyone you’d like to as well. We will let you know the date


Sponsorship Committee


Not active at this time. Russ is looking for a volunteer to peruse the internet and look for what

other intergroups resources are and then to post them in a whatsapp conversation. So that

when we find someone who wants to run with the sponsorship committee then we already have

resources compiled. If you are interested contact Russ!

No Disruptions Annie C.Committee is going well, had to do some replacements, everyone is doing well. Everyone loves

that no tech is required. Jen V will cover for Annie on the Service Saturday for the first part.

Looking for new folks who haven’t served before in the next quarter for No D.

No D took a vote on the “one rule” issue. A meeting was held with 3rd and 4th quarter

announcers, Annie, Russ, Jen and Lori. A few people had concerns about the “one rule” issue,

they were addressed. As a committee they voted that for now the script will not be changing.

Facebook Kimmy H/Rena/Lori D/Russell/Jenni R and Rina S are admins

It’s been going well. Have had to take down a few things because they’ve included outside

group links. Instead do a screen shot or save the photo and post it.

You cannot find the Facebook group – it is a super secret hidden Facebook group that you need

to be invited to. You need to friend Lori or Russell or any of the admins – she is putting

instructions in the meeting chat on what to do. They do vet people and that is why they keep it

close, that’s the only way to keep it hidden and protect anonymity. If you have a different name

on Facebook let them know because they will not be certain that it is you. There have been bots

recently so they are being extra careful. They err on the side of security because they want to

protect it. Lori adds that if you have shut down your Facebook page and restarted and only have

a very few friends, because otherwise if they see that they will think your page was hacked and

won’t friend you. Lots of interaction there and a good place for recovery.

Newcomer Meeting Rep

No one present.

Virtual Region Delegate and World Service Delegate Maryhelen

Maryhelen Intergroup representative - Assembly on 11/16 and 11/17 - she will report what goes


Ongoing Business:


We will now be on the every other year cycle of two positions.

Need nominations for World Service and Virtual Region Delegate- Russ nominates

Maryhelen, she accepts the nomination. Russ asks if anyone would like to be nominated for

either World Service or Virtual Region Delegate? Two roles Maryhelen is fulfilling both right now.

The election will be in next months business meeting and we will take nominations all the way

up until the December business meeting.

Can send nominations to and you do need to be present to accept

the nomination.Secretary- 2 year term - Position Catherine P . has been serving in, Diana S. nominates

Catherine P . for Secretary. Russ asks if anyone else would like to run.

Chair- 2 year term - Lori D. nominates Russell W. for Chair. He accepts with the understanding

that this is the last time he will do it. He will happily help anyone to know how to do it going

forward. He says we are figuring stuff out, we have now gone from no intergroup to an

intergroup and are hitting our stride with knowing what to do having been through a full cycle.

Carla C would like to say that she feels strongly about rotation of service. Especially since we

are so prone to burning out good people. She has seen fellows burn out because they wouldn’t

let go. She hates to see that happen and thinks it’s so important to have rotation. If anyone is at

all interested - it is an important job but it’s mostly about making sure everyone is playing nice

using Roberts Rules of order. The Chair position is the calm voice in a maddening crowd.

Call for any new business - nothing.

Lori D. makes motion to adjourn at 7:39pm ET Diana S. seconds motion passes 18/18.

Russell will stick around for 15 minutes in case anyone wants to discuss anything. Close with

Serenity prayer.

Meeting adjourned.


*It is this groups conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by

group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it

again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro”

3 members to speak not in favor “con”

on the motion with one min each to present their views.

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be

taken and the motion is to be voted on.

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family Better Together Virtual

Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month (Second if first is a holiday weekend)

Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)

November Agenda 2024

Permitting Chair and Officer Agenda

Sunday November 3, 2024 6:00 PM ET

Officers and Committee Chairs BTVIG/Working Group to Brainstorm Together:

Starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time
(5 CT – 4 MT - 3 PT) via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family
The business meeting will follow a working session of the officers and any of the committee chairs. The meeting is open to everyone but as it is a working session the discussion will be with the officers and chairs only. This means that the zoom room will open at 6pm eastern on 11/3/24. If available time is left open questions will be allowed.I look forward to seeing you all if you are available.

Topics: Discuss the numbers that are being collected - average end time

Issues from Committee Chairs:
Request a quarterly Service Saturday (Intergroup) workshop committee? Set up dates for 2025 quarterly Service Saturday

Update from Host/co-host/no disruptions Wording of one rule

-Open Forum:

Explanation of the Officer Terms: As per the by-laws Section 5 - Term of Office

A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years.
1) On even-numbered years the chair and secretary shall be elected. On odd-numbered years the vice chair and treasurer shall be elected.
2) Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election.
B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
C. After an interval of two years, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office. D. Upon election to the board, members shall cease to be a representative of their group they represent, and that group shall choose a new IR.

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday November 3, 2024 7:00 PM ET

Start Time: 7:00 PM Eastern - End Time: 8:15 or earlier by motion 

via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Election nominations

Chairperson: Russell W Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024

Vice Chairperson: Lori D Term: 1/2023 - 12/2025

Treasurer: Carla C. Term: 1/2024 - 12/2025

Secretary: Catherine P. Term: 1/2024 - 12/2024

Welcoming:(Start recording)  Chairperson: Russell W

Opening Prayer:

God set aside everything we think we know about our higher power, about ourselves, about this intergroup, and our own recovery so we may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help us see the truth.

Minutes: Reading / Waiver of Reading / Motion to Approve

Secretary: Catherine P.


Reports from Officers:

Lori D - Vice Chairperson -

Catherine P - Secretary

Carla C - Treasurer


BTVIG Committee Chair Reports and Data Tech

Data Tech - Matthew B
Lori - Host / Co-host 

Catherine P - Zoom Service Training

Sonya P. -Member Contact list

Matthew B - Communications Newsletter

Kelly M - Welcome Committee

Louis C - Speaker Seekers

Lori - Workshops

Not active - Sponsorship Committee

Annie - No Disruptions

Russell - Facebook Admins: Kimmy H, Lori D, Russell W, Jenni R, Rena S


BTVIG Meeting Delegates:

- Newcomer Meeting Rep

* World Service- Mary Helen appointed for one year to fill in until nominations in


November 2024

Mary Helen- Virtual Region Delegate
  Mary Helen- World Service Office Delegate


World Services and or Regional Visitors:


Ongoing business to review:

Motions Discussions from previous meeting:
  Election Nominations
  *It is the group’s conscience as per a previous motion approved by group conscience:
  When a motion is to be voted on the Chair seeks 3 members to speak in favor “pro” and 3 members to speak not in favor “con” on the motion with one min each to present their views. When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken the motion is to be voted on.


New business:

Call for any new business:

Any member in the zoom BM zoom room can bring up new business, to be considered in the meeting. Make a motion, ask a question, begin a conversation about this BTVIG Intergroup
  Your voice is welcome, this is your business meeting!

What’s on your mind

End meeting motion

Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Close Meeting


October Minutes 2024

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting October 2024

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:00 PM ET

Chairperson: Russell W Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024 

Vice Chairperson: Lori D Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024 

Secretary: Catherine P. Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024 

Treasurer: Carla C Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024

Business Meeting Agenda
Welcoming: Chairperson Russel W Opened the meeting at 7pm
Attendance – Russel, Lori D, Catherine P, Carla C
Reading Waiver of Reading Motion by Catherine P. seconded by Lori D. motion passed 8/9.

Russ brings up that we had the business meeting in the second week of September last month because we did not have a quorum of officers - so because of Labor day as well we only had two weeks between business meetings. Between that and the hurricane going on in Florida the minutes did not get posted ontime. We will be making a fillable pdf for both the agenda and the minutes. There is another hurricane so we may be a bit delayed but we will be getting everything posted and into the newsletter.

Reports from Officers and Delegates Vice Chairperson:
Lori has nothing to report.
Secretary: Catherine posted the minutes last week she was delayed due to the hurricane. She plans to get the minutes for this month done and posted by Saturday. That said she is evacuating and not sure yet but will do her best!

Treasurer: September financials - net worth is $8,791.78. Starting balance was $8,350.49. Donations $553.18 - Venmo donations $468.18 Chase donations $85.00. Expenses $111.89 - Zoom $93.58 - Postage $2.33 - iPostal - $14.99 - Apple/Calendly App $0.99. Ending balance $8,791.78 Verifiable Workshop Donations (Relapse) $120.18.

To do list:

US Bank move:

 -Verified documentation required and make sure it’s in hand for in-person opening of account. Carla has a contact for that. 

- Carla has By Laws, Still needs the Minutes of meeting when elections occurred, She has the 503c Documents from New Mexico. 

- Be prepared to deposit at least $100 to open the account (or move the entirety at Chase). 

- Clarify expense reimbursement for trips to bank $27 per trip. 

- Last meeting suggestion made to contact Michelle B from Canada who may have ideas 
on ways to donate outside of US. US bank requires foreign checks to be deposited in person. 
Replacing phone for verifications 

- Need to move from Matthew B’s phone by October 15 

- Propose to leave with each treasurer to resolve based on their preference 

- Carla has access to a digits line that receives texts and will investigate if that will work 
- Looking into non profit phone line - T-mobile 
Make Donations to WSO Virtual Region 

- Get percentages for prudent reserve, WSO, VR - on hold until solution with Chase is resolved

Federal Reporting for Businesses Due by Jan 1, 2025

- We are required to report, if at least to say we are exempt as a non profit. 

- This is an effort by the Feds to prevent money laundering.

BTVIG Committee Chair Reports:
Data Tech Matthew B
Russ reports as Matthew not present - The website is up and Matthew is working on it. Matthew is working with Lori about making a training home for training videos. We talked about it in the pre-meeting.
Host/Co-host Lori D
Started a new quarter in October, we have a new lineup of new hosts, tech hosts, and waiting room that quarter will go until December 31. If anyone is interested in being trained for any of these positions let us know. You have to go through all the co-host positions first, and some of
them like Tech host you have to do all other jobs first. Host is the easiest to start with after doing co-host training and service, and it’s a lot of fun. All our new people are doing a great job so far. We are looking for more ways to streamline things and to work with Catherine and training to put things on the website or whatsapp so if there are questions or training resources that people want to access that there is a clear place to go.

Zoom Service Training Catherine P


We had Co-host/Screen Sharing Training on Friday 9/20. One person came and is making the transition into service with the help of Amy G. Amy shadowed Catherine in the training and is training to be another one of our trainers. Amy will lead the next co-host training on Friday October 25 from 5:30-7:30PM ET. Now combining screen sharing training with co-host training because we want to get more folks trained on that and serving in that position. It is one of the roles that we fill on a nightly basis and can always use new people for that role.

Catherine has the goal of getting all folks who are interested in helping out with training together with Lori as well to look at how we can standardize training, resources and create best practices so that it is replicable and accessible for as many folks as possible. Also talking about creating videos for training to refer back to. Also talking about creating some basic zoom/tech training for those who feel they need that before doing co-host training,

Catherine also wants to focus on how we can effectively follow up with folks after they have been through training to see if there are any gaps between training and moving into service.

**Existing co-hosts and hosts** please come to training for refreshers and to learn new protocols/best practices - especially because a lot of folks can’t make it to the monthly co-host and host meetings where a lot of the new things are being talked about.

If anyone is interested in becoming a trainer - contact Catherine P. you can shadow during trainings.

There will be one co-host training a month going forward.

Contact List Sonya P

September 35 vetted requests - only 18 requested the list. They need a swing person for 3rd Tuesday, and they need a permanent person for Wednesday night. The contact list committee does not rotate and Sonya will talk to Linda J about that. Sonya thanks Matthew and Amy G for their help. Cynthia D. volunteers to help out with the contact list committee.

Communications Matthew B

Matthew not present. Per Russ Newsletter is going out. Matthew is looking for other volunteers to help with that.

Welcome Committee Kelly M

Started a new quarter from October 1 and will go until December 31. Only issue is one member signed up for both Welcome Committee and No D on Saturday night so she is looking for a replacement.

Speaker Seekers Committee Amy G

We do need to have some extra help in finding folks as Sparky stepped down and she was doing a lot of the work finding our speakers. If you’re in a meeting and you hear a good speaker let Russ/Lori know and they will give you the link to sign up or put them in touch with Russ/Lori/Matthew and they will make it happen.

Workshop Committee Lori D.

Great workshop last month, Relapse and Recovery went well and was discussed in the last business meeting. Next workshop is Tools Workshop - same format first hour 4 speaker panel and then break out rooms. Really like this format and people respond to it. This is a new one we haven’t done before. Tools Workshop is Saturday Oct 26, 2024 .

Sponsorhip Committee

Not active at this time. Russ is looking for a volunteer to peruse the internet and look for what other intergroups resources are and then to post them in a whatsapp conversation. So that when we find someone who wants to run with the sponsorship committee then we already have resources compiled. Cynthia D volunteers! Russ will follow up.

No Disruptions Annie C.

Annie is on vacation. Per Lori everything is going well.

Facebook Kimmy H/Rena/Lori D/Russell/Jenni R and Rina S are admins

You cannot find the Facebook group – it is a super secret hidden Facebook group that you need to be invited to. You need to friend Lori or Russell or any of the admins – she is putting instructions in the meeting chat on what to do. They do vet people and that is why they keep it close, that’s the only way to keep it hidden and protect anonymity. If you have a different name on Facebook let them know because they will not be certain that it is you. There have been bots recently so they are being extra careful. They err on the side of security because they want to protect it. Lori adds that if you have shut down your Facebook page and restarted and only have a very few friends, because otherwise if they see that they will think your page was hacked and won’t friend you. Lots of interaction there and a good place for recovery. Only issue is taking down a few posts with outside links - it’s ok not a big deal but need to instead do a screen shot.

Newcomer Meeting Rep

No one present. Per Russ they got rid of their treasurer and are just sending it out direct

Virtual Region Delegate and World Service Delegate Maryhelen

Maryhelen not present. Sent a message saying she is going to the next Regional Virtual Assembly.

Ongoing Business:

No motions from last month.

At working group we are working on ways to bolster the initiatives that we had started and have fallen apart like the Sponsorship committee. The idea is we gather resources that are already out there so that we can use that when someone is ready to take it up again. We are also working on a Service Saturday. We will open up the regular BT room one month it will be a Saturday, the next month it will be a Sunday. We will ask for a member from each committee to show people how they can get involved in service. Historically September and October are hard to find speakers and people to do service because of back to school. We need speakers - if you are at a meeting and hear a good speaker please get their name and number and send it to any of the officers or the Speaker Seeker Committee.

New Business:

Russ - We will be having elections towards the end of the year so it is time to think about the two roles that are up for election - Chair and Secretary because the other roles have a year left. Because of this delayed meeting - the next business meeting is in two weeks and announcements about the availability of the elections will be in the next business meeting and then the nominations will happen at the business meeting in November - you can nominate someone up to that day - have to be abstinent for one year - with elections in December. We need to get the word out in October. If you would like to run please let us know - talk to any of the officers. We will be putting blurbs into the chat and the officers will soon be showing up at the meetings and talk about the elections.

Lori D. makes motion to adjourn Catherine P. seconds motion passes.

Russell will stick around for 15 minutes in case anyone wants to discuss anything. Close with Serenity prayer.
Meeting adjourned.


*It is this groups conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.
When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,
3 members to speak in favor “pro”
3 members to speak not in favor “con”
on the motion with one min each to present their views.
When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken and the motion is to be voted on.

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family Better Together Virtual Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month (Second if first is a holiday weekend) Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)

Committee Calendars and Meetings 

Join us for Meetings and Fellowship

Better Together 

Speaker Meeting


ZOOM ID: 976429200

PASSWORD: better

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific


Better Together 

Newcomer Meeting

Every Sunday

ZOOM ID: 82159840948


7:00 PM Eastern

6:00 PM Central

5:00 PM Mountain

4:00 PM Pacific


Monday Night

OA Steps & Traditions

Wednesday Night

OA Literature

Friday Night

Fun Friday!

Speaker Night

Experience, Strength, and Hope

Overeaters Anonymous PSA

OA has your back

OA Meetings

You are not alone

Connect with Officers and Committees









Welcome Committee

Speaker Seeker Committee

Workshop Committee

Newsletter Committee

Training Committee

Website Committee

Newcomer Meeting Committee

To get in touch with webmaster email