Business Meeting

Business Meeting

next date - 2/2/2025

Hello, Better Together Family! 

Please join us on first Sunday each month, 

(second if first is a holiday weekend)
Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting.

See below for the next months agenda, and last months minutes.

Any motions to be voted on at this upcoming meeting are included in the minutes for your review before attending.

You must be present to again read your motion prior to vote.

Please also consider joining us before the meeting as the officers and committee chairs meet to brainstorm and discuss intergroup business and speaker meeting business. 

Business Meeting BTVIG

Meeting ID: 558  759  5395

Passcode: family

A Note from the

Better Together Intergroup Chair:

Hey Better Together 

Tis I…

Russell W…

I just wanted to say thank you for an amazing few years. 2025 is going to be incredible.

We will be having an in-person retreat in the Chicago area September 12,13 and 14.

We are going to need your support to make this happen.

Details are about to be everywhere…including our amazing website at BTVIG.ORG

Please remember that “Service Saves Lives”

Until next month…

Russell W 🦏

Febuary 2025 Agenda

Premeeting Chair and Officer Agenda

Sunday Feb 2, 2025

6:00 PM ET

Officers and Committee Chairs BTVIG/Working Group to Brainstorm Together:

Starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time

(5 CT – 4 MT - 3 PT) via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

The business meeting will follow a working session of the officers and any of the

committee chairs. The meeting is open to everyone but as it is a working session the

discussion will be with the officers and chairs only. This means that the zoom room will

open at 6pm eastern on 2/2/25. If available time is left open questions will be allowed.

I look forward to seeing you all if you are available.


Discuss the numbers that are being collected.

- average end time

Issues from Committee Chairs:

What dates for Service Saturday Service Saturday (Intergroup) workshop committee?

-Open Forum:

Explanation of the Officer Terms: As per the by-laws Section 5 - Term of Office

A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years.

1) On even-numbered years the chair and secretary shall be elected. On odd-numbered years the

vice chair and treasurer shall be elected.

2) Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election.

B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

C. After an interval of two years, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office.

D. Upon election to the board, members shall cease to be a representative of their group they

represent, and that group shall choose a new IR.

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Start Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Chairperson: Russell W Term: 1/2025 - 12/2026 End Time: 8:15 or earlier by motion

Secretary: Catherine P.

Term: 1/2025 - 12/2026

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Better Together Virtual Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month

(Second if first is a holiday weekend) Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)Vice Chairperson: Lori D Treasurer: Carla C.

Term: 1/2023 - 12/2025 Term: 1/2024 - 12/2025

Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday Feb 2, 2025

7:00 PM ET

via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Welcoming:(Start recording and AI)

Chairperson: Russell W

Opening Prayer:

God set aside everything we think we know about

our higher power, about ourselves, about this

intergroup, and our own recovery so we may have

an open mind and a new experience with all these

things. Please help us see the truth.

Minutes: Reading / Waiver of Reading / Motion to Approve

Secretary: Catherine P.

Reports from Officers:

Lori D

- Vice Chairperson

Catherine P - Secretary

Carla C

- - Treasurer

BTVIG Committee Chair Reports and

Data Tech

Data tech - Matthew B.


-Host / Co-host

Catherine P -Zoom Service Training

Sonya P.

-Member Contact list

Matthew B -Communications Newsletter

Kelly M

-Welcome Committee

-Speaker Seekers

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Better Together Virtual Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month

(Second if first is a holiday weekend) Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)Lori -Workshops

not active -Sponsorship Committee

Annie -

-No Disruptions

Russell -Facebook: Admins: Kimmy H, Lori D, Russell W, Jenni R, Rena S

BTVIG Meeting Delegates:

- Newcomer Meeting Rep

* World Service- Mary Helen

Mary Helen- Virtual Region Delegate

Mary Helen- World Service Office Delegate exp 2025

Vote unopposed

World Services and or Regional Visitors:

Ongoing business to review:

Motions Discussions from previous meeting:

Motion to have business meeting every other month

Need to send to committee for figuring out elections and any other bylaws


*It is the group’s conscience as per a previous motion approved by group


When a motion is to be voted on the Chair seeks 3 members to speak in

favor “pro” and 3 members to speak not in favor “con” on the motion with

one min each to present their views. When these 6 members have finished

presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken the motion

is to be voted on.

New business:

Call for any new business:

Retreat information

Any member in the zoom BM zoom room can bring up new business, to be

considered in the meeting. Make a motion, ask a question, begin a conversation

about this BTVIG Intergroup

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Better Together Virtual Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month

(Second if first is a holiday weekend) Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)Your voice is welcome, this is your business meeting!

What’s on your mind

End meeting motion

Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot

change, courage to change the things I can, and the

wisdom to know the difference.

Close Meeting

Robert's Rules Hints:

What does Point of Order mean?

In parliamentary procedure, a point of order occurs when someone draws attention to a rule

violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly.

(deliberative = relating to or intended for consideration or discussion)

The BTVIG Business is a deliberative assembly.

What does making a motion mean?

Motions are statements that describe a proposed action or decision. Although the formality of

Robert's Rules can seem cumbersome, the process of making motions ensures that no decision is

accepted without the opportunity for discussion and a vote.

How to introduce a motion, you would say,

“I move that … followed by a statement of the proposal.”

The motion is not discussed until it has been seconded by someone. Purpose of requiring a

seconding of a motion is to confirm that more than one member of the assembly wishes to discuss

it. No second, no motion.


*It is this group's conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by

group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it

again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro”

3 members to speak not in favor “con”

on the motion with one min each to present their views.

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken

and the motion is to be voted on.

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Better Together Virtual Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month

(Second if first is a holiday weekend) Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)

January 2025 Minutes

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Sunday, January 5, 2025 7:00 PM ET

Chairperson: Russell W Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Vice Chairperson: Lori D Term: 1/2023 -

12/2024 Secretary: Catherine P. Term: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Treasurer: Carla C Term: 1/2023 -


Business Meeting Agenda

Welcoming: Chairperson Russel W Opened the meeting at 7pm

Attendance – Russell, Catherine P, Carla C


Reading Waiver of Reading Motion by Catherine P. seconded by Nan motion passed 12/14.

Reports from Officers and Delegates

Vice Chair/Chair:

Russ is covering for Lori. Planning is going forward for the retreat coming up, they will have

more information coming shortly.

The marathons went great, we had the most people from the time we opened to the time we

closed. There were at least 50 people in the room at all times from 10:00am on.


Catherine posted the minutes from December to the Facebook group and they went out with the

newsletter as well. Apologies for the delay - That’s it!


January financials - are not complete - didn’t get report from Chase yet.

Verifiable Workshop Donations $55.00

Newcomers Donations $4.00

US Bank move:



Final stages of moving to US Bank

Waiting on final decision on our application-

Looking forward to moving our monthly expenses from Chase to US Bank and

depositing the checks on hand.

Retreat Funding:


Working on a request to open a separate account for processing retreat donations and

expenses including a credit/debit card separate for meeting operating expenses.

International Donations:





Suggestion made to contact Michelle B from Canada who may have ideas on ways to

donate outside of the US.

US bank requires foreign checks to be deposited in person.

There hasn’t been a good solution for online deposits from outside the US

We have several Canadian donations through Interac that we are unable to accept.

Donor emailed, no response.

Heather B. suggests e-transfers to help with Canadian donations. Carla says it sounds

like PayPal will do it.

Annie C. says yes, Canadians can e-transfer within Canada but when it is international

you have to do an international money transfer which is different.

Michelle B. agrees with Annie C. but with international money transfers it is only $100 or

more. She says there are a couple of other apps for foreign currency if we wanted to try

that, but there is some cost associated with it so that needs to be considered.

Russ suggests that folks donate to OA in their own country. Because BT does well, we

don’t absolutely need it. We also want to think of tax purposes, what this means for our

treasurer for taxes. We will look into PayPal and will circle back to talk about it more.

Make Donations to WSO, Virtual Region:


Get percentages for prudent reserve, WSO, VR - on hold until solution with Chase is




Guidance on - New recommendations as of Jan 1st 2025 recommending groups

keep 50% of contributions, then pass 10% on to region and 40% on to WSO. This

replaces the traditional guidance of 60/30/10 because costs are up for World Service.

Assuming $550 monthly income = annually $6600 - $1670 annual expenses = $4930

50% kept in bank for BTVIG is $2465, 10% to Virtual Region is $493, 40% to WSO is


Tax Time Begins:


Federal Reporting for Businesses due by Jan, 1, 2025 - In discussion with the VR

Treasurer, she believes we are NOT required to report, since we are non-profit status.BTVIG Committee Chair Reports:

Data Tech Matthew B


Matthew not present - per Russ they are working on some stuff for the retreat for the website. If

you haven’t been on the website recently check it out it’s been revamped recently.

Host/Co-host Lori D

Lori is not present.

Zoom Service Training Catherine P

Training is going well, we had a cohost training in December with new people and some other

folks came back to do it again. Amy G ran training on her own again this time and did an

amazing job!! Catherine is very excited to have her on board as another trainer. Folks are

jumping into service which is great! Catherine and Amy will post the date for February cohost

training when they pick one.

If anyone would like to move up the ranks from cohost to host, or you’ve been a cohost for a

while and would like to get trained for Waiting Room please reach out to Catherine or Amy!

**Existing co-hosts and hosts** please come to training for refreshers and to learn new

protocols/best practices - especially because a lot of folks can’t make it to the monthly co-host

and host meetings where a lot of the new things are being talked about.

**CALL FOR SERVICE** If anyone is interested in becoming a trainer - contact Catherine P.

you can shadow during trainings.

There will be one co-host training a month going forward.

Contact List Sonya P


Need people to add to the team - they do not rotate so they are in need of new folks. The

position has been automated. They send a link and folks add their information. So if someone is

interested in helping out and joining in all that is required is an announcement and vet people to

get the link and instructions in chat - please reach out! Numbers are pretty low for December

had 43 people vetted to get the link but only 16 filled it out - pretty consistent even with the

simplified questions on the link. The number is up for January because of new years resolutions

but generally they are low. Sonya will ask Matthew if it’s possible to further simplify. But we are

complying with international privacy/data standards of protection.Heather B. comments that Signupgenius link was wrong in the chat in meeting last night.

Communications Matthew B

Matthew is not present. Michelle B has info on newsletter. She has been helping Matthew with

revamping the newsletter - it will be going out very soon. For anyone who has something going

on in their committee to get extra help or spread the word - please message Matthew or

Michelle on whatsapp or by email. There will be a specific part of the newsletter on how to be of

service and get involved - but if someone has a particular need it can be included.

Welcome Committee Kelly M

Have 5 brand new WC meeting announcers out of the 7. Kelly has reached out to every

newcomer contacter - lost some people but got new ones from the Service Saturday. It’s going

very well and she is grateful!

Speaker Seekers Committee

No one present. If you hear someone speak in a meeting you would like to hear at BT get their

number and send them the link from the Speaker Seeker whatsapp it is in there at the top and

send it to them to sign up. We need speakers!

Workshop Committee Lori D.

Lori is not present.

Sponsorship Committee


Not active at this time. Russ has someone who is working on acquiring info and ideas for when

the committee starts up again. If you are ever on another OA website and see any cool

sponsorship pdfs - download them and deposit them in the Sponsorship committee whatsapp to

use in future.

No Disruptions Annie C.

Excellent fourth quarter - seven great people. A lot of support! Mid december Annie met with all

new folks. They will be starting this week. It’s going very well - it’s a joy!

No D is very simple it’s just an announcement, and it’s become a stepping stone to other

service. You don’t need any technical skills - we love to see new people embracing the role and

then moving on to other service roles!

Facebook Kimmy H/Rena/Lori D/Russell/Jenni R and Rina S are adminsIt’s going well but - you cannot find the Facebook group – it is a super secret hidden Facebook

group that you need to be invited to. You need to friend Lori or Russell or any of the admins –

she is putting instructions in the meeting chat on what to do. They do vet people and that is why

they keep it close, that’s the only way to keep it hidden and protect anonymity. If you have a

different name on Facebook let them know because they will not be certain that it is you. There

have been bots recently so they are being extra careful. They err on the side of security

because they want to protect it. Lori adds that if you have shut down your Facebook page and

restarted and only have a very few friends, because otherwise if they see that they will think

your page was hacked and won’t friend you. Lots of interaction there and a good place for


If you’re not in the Facebook group and you want to be contact Russ or Lori and they will add

you in.

Newcomer Meeting Rep - Fran

Fran says all is going well!

Virtual Region Delegate and World Service Delegate Maryhelen

Maryhelen not present. She is running unopposed but needs to be present to accept the

positions. Will try again next month.

Ongoing Business:


New Business

September 12,13,14. Check-in registration begins 3pm CT and check out 12pm CT on Sunday.

Registration will cover lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday with option of purchasing

breakfast for Saturday and Sunday at an additional $15/day. The rooms are $149 a night - they

are suites. We will have deals available once everything goes live. Hoping to have that all active

in the next 10-14 days. The prices will be going up. If we sell out all the rooms, we can buy ten

more rooms at a time at whatever the current rate is. So if we sell out of all the rooms by mid

February we can buy ten more at that same price or close to it. Because this price for this hotel

in Chicago is about ½ the usual going rate - it is a good deal. We will have more information

coming. We teamed up with Seeking Emotional Sobriety - they are a small meeting. It’s all

happneeing we will have more information and we will need a lot of people to do committee

work to make it happen there in Chicago.

The retreat will be happening in person in Chicago, but we will also be having a zoom virtual

component marathon style where there will be different times that you can jump in online. This is

very important to Russ - to make sure that anyone who can’t come can still get the feeling of

what it’s like.No other new business.


Carla makes a motion to have every other month be the business meeting Annie C. seconds the

motion. It will be voted on next month in February.

Catherine makes motion to adjourn Amanda T. seconds motion passes 11/14.

Russell will stick around for 15 minutes in case anyone wants to discuss anything. Close with

Serenity prayer.

Meeting adjourned.


*It is this groups conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by

group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it

again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro”

3 members to speak not in favor “con”

on the motion with one min each to present their views.

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be

taken and the motion is to be voted on.

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family Better Together Virtual

Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month (Second if first is a holiday weekend)

Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)

January 2025 Agenda



Pre-meeting Chair and Officer Agenda

Sunday January 5, 2025

6:00 PM ET



Officers and Committee Chairs BTVIG/Working Group to Brainstorm Together:


Starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time

(5 CT – 4 MT - 3 PT) via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

The business meeting will follow a working session of the officers and any of the committee chairs. The meeting is open to everyone but as it is a working session the discussion will be with the officers and chairs only. This means that the zoom room will open at 6pm eastern on 1/5/25. If available time is left open questions will be allowed.


I look forward to seeing you all if you are available.




Discuss the numbers that are being collected.

- average end time

Issues from Committee Chairs:

Request a quarterly Service Saturday (Intergroup) workshop committee? Set up dates for 2025 quarterly Service Saturday


Update from Host/co-host/no disruptions

Wording of one rule


-Open Forum:


Explanation of the Officer Terms: As per the by-laws Section 5 - Term of Office
A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years. 

1) On even-numbered years the chair and secretary shall be elected. On odd-numbered years the vice chair and treasurer shall be elected.
2) Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election. 

B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

C. After an interval of two years, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office.
D. Upon election to the board, members shall cease to be a representative of their group they represent, and that group shall choose a new IR.



The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting


Start Time: 7:00 PM Eastern          End Time: 8:15 or earlier by motion


Chairperson:       Russell W                                      Secretary:  Catherine P.

         Term:  1/2025  - 12/2026                             Term:  1/2025  - 12/2026            


Vice Chairperson:       Lori D                      Treasurer:    Carla C.

         Term:  1/2023  - 12/2025                              Term:  1/2024  - 12/2025


Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday January 5, 2025

7:00 PM ET

 via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family


Welcoming:(Start recording and AI)


Chairperson:   Russell W   


Opening Prayer:

God set aside everything we think we know about our higher power, about ourselves, about this intergroup, and our own recovery so we may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help us see the truth.


Minutes: Reading / Waiver of Reading / Motion to Approve

Secretary:  Catherine P.


Reports from Officers:

Lori D         - Vice Chairperson  

Catherine P    - Secretary

Carla C  -   - Treasurer   


BTVIG Committee Chair Reports and

Data Tech


Data tech - Matthew B.

Lori        -Host / Co-host 

Catherine P -Zoom Service Training

Sonya P. -Member Contact list

Matthew B -Communications Newsletter

Kelly M   -Welcome Committee

            -Speaker Seekers

Lori          -Workshops

not active       -Sponsorship Committee 

Annie -   -No Disruptions

Russell   -Facebook: Admins: Kimmy H, Lori D, Russell W, Jenni R, Rena S



BTVIG Meeting Delegates:

      - Newcomer Meeting Rep


* World Service- Mary Helen

      Mary Helen- Virtual Region Delegate

      Mary Helen- World Service Office Delegate exp 2025


World Services and or Regional Visitors:


Ongoing business to review:

Motions Discussions from previous meeting:



*It is the group’s conscience as per a previous motion approved by group conscience:
When a motion is to be voted on the Chair seeks 3 members to speak in favor “pro” and 3 members to speak not in favor “con” on the motion with one min each to present their views.  When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken the motion is to be voted on.


New business:

Call for any new business:

Retreat information


Any member in the zoom BM zoom room can bring up new business, to be considered in the meeting. Make a motion, ask a question, begin a conversation about this BTVIG Intergroup

Your voice is welcome, this is your business meeting!

What’s on your mind

End meeting motion


Serenity Prayer:


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Close Meeting



Robert's Rules Hints: 


What does Point of Order mean?

In parliamentary procedure, a point of order occurs when someone draws attention to a rule violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly.

(deliberative = relating to or intended for consideration or discussion)

The BTVIG Business is a deliberative assembly.


What does making a motion mean?

Motions are statements that describe a proposed action or decision. Although the formality of Robert's Rules can seem cumbersome, the process of making motions ensures that no decision is accepted without the opportunity for discussion and a vote.


How to introduce a motion, you would say,

“I move that … followed by a statement of the proposal.” 

The motion is not discussed until it has been seconded by someone. Purpose of requiring a seconding of a motion is to confirm that more than one member of the assembly wishes to discuss it. No second, no motion.




*It is this group's conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro”

3 members to speak not in favor “con”

on the motion with one min each to present their views. 

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken and the motion is to be voted on.


December Minutes 2024

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:00 PM ET

Chairperson: Russell W T erm: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Vice Chairperson: Lori D T erm: 1/2023 -

12/2024 Secretary: Catherine P . T erm: 1/2023 - 12/2024 Treasurer: Carla C T erm: 1/2023 -


Business Meeting Agenda

Welcoming: Chairperson Russel W Opened the meeting at 7pm

Attendance – Russel, Lori D, Catherine P , Carla C


Reading Waiver of Reading Motion by Catherine P . seconded by Lori D. motion passed 13/18.

Reports from Officers and Delegates


We’ve been approached by a meeting in Scottsdale to do a retreat. We’ve put a list together of

questions we want answered before we decide if we want to jump in. We’ve been to two of their

working sessions about it and we have two more weeks to decide so there will be a form going

out gauging people’s interest - we will have some numbers as well. They did have a successful

retreat last year, so far Russ is comfortable with the method - not as much with the prices but

that part isn’t nailed down. Looking at Chicago, Denver and Indianapolis for locations. Matthew

will do an email blast once we get some numbers. They’re wanting to team up to sell rooms,

44-50 rooms would be our obligation. If we do decide to go forward we would need to raise

some funds, we will come to the business meeting for that as Russ isn’t comfortable with using

previous funds raised for virtual purposes so we need different for in person.

Vice Chairperson:

Last month we had a service fair that was very successful. All the committee chairs came and

explained what they do and then folks went into breakout rooms. We did have folks sign up to

those committees so it was a success.

We also had a Thanksgiving marathon all with BT speakers who were wonderful. We had folks

not from BT attend as well and then they came to the main meeting too. It was very successful

and like usual people came thinking they would only come for one or two hours but ended up

staying because it was so great.We will have Christmas Day and day after Christmas marathons as well as a Holiday Party. If

you have talent or if you don’t have talent and you want to perform please do. We will have an

ugly sweater and headgear parade as well. We will also have a dance party after the meeting on

New Years Eve.


Catherine posted the minutes from October to the Facebook group and they went out with the

newsletter as well. Apologies for the delay - That’s it!


October financials - net worth is $9,163.37. Starting balance was $8,793.35. Donations $484.24

- Venmo donations $404.24 Chase donations $80.00. Expenses $114.22 - Zoom $93.58 -

Postage $4.66 - iPostal - $14.99 - Apple/Calendly App $0.99 Ending balance $9,163.37.

Verifiable Workshop Donations $5.24 Unity Workshop.

T o do list:

US Bank move:

- Verified documentation required and make sure it’s in hand for in-person opening of

account. Carla has a contact for that.

- Carla has all necessary paperwork to open the new account as well as funds needed.

- She will work on getting Chase money moved over after that.

Replacing phone for verifications

- New phone is working great. Matthews phone has been removed and venmo

instructions are updated.

- Motorola Moto G Play 2024 on Mint mobile paid for the year.

Make Donations to WSO Virtual Region

- Get percentages for prudent reserve, WSO, VR - on hold until solution with Chase is


Federal Reporting for Businesses Due by Jan 1, 2025

- Carla is not sure if we are required to report, if at least to say we are exempt as a non

profit. This is an effort by the Feds to prevent money laundering. This is due by 1/1/25

BTVIG Committee Chair Reports:Data Tech Matthew B


Per Matthew - If you are a chair you have your own google workspace and gmail and you have

access to some apps to use like Canva.

Host/Co-host Lori D

Going really well, the form for the next quarter starting in January will be going out in the next

couple of weeks. If anyone is interested in being trained for any of these positions let us know.

Please get in touch if you’d like to be trained on Waiting Room - contact Lori, Catherine or Amy

G. You have to go through all the co-host positions first, and some of them like T ech host you

have to do all other jobs first. Host is the easiest to start with after doing co-host training and

service, and it’s a lot of fun. All our new people are doing a great job so far.

Zoom Service Training Catherine P


Training is going well, we had a cohost training this month with four new people and some other

folks came back to do it again. Amy G ran training on her own this time and did an amazing job!!

Catherine is very excited to have her on board as another trainer. Folks are jumping in to

service which is great! Catherine and Amy will post the date for December cohost training when

they pick one.

**Existing co-hosts and hosts** please come to training for refreshers and to learn new

protocols/best practices - especially because a lot of folks can’t make it to the monthly co-host

and host meetings where a lot of the new things are being talked about.

If anyone is interested in becoming a trainer - contact Catherine P . you can shadow during


There will be one co-host training a month going forward.

Contact List Sonya P

November 50 vetted requests - 22 completed the form. Average 35-45% of people are actually

completing the form. It’s been about a year since we’ve had this new process. Looks like

trimming down some of that helped. We are committed to staying the course to be in alignment

with best practices for data security. If someone is uneasy or struggling with the form we do help

them. Cynthia D and Rachel L are new members of the committee - shoutout to them!

Communications Matthew B

**CALL FOR SERVICE**New member to newsletter committee. Matthew would love to have even more help from

anyone who is experienced with Google workspace.

Welcome Committee Kelly M

Have 6 new people sign up after the service fair. Beginning in mid December Kelly will begin

recruiting for new announcers in the meeting for the next quarter starting January 1.

Speaker Seekers Committee Amy G

Matthew - could use some more seekers. We do have a bunch but we still are not filling out the

calendar as quickly as we have in the past. It’s a simple process you send them the link and

they sign themselves up or you can fill it out for them and they show up on the calendar.

Workshop Committee Lori D.

Got three people signed up after the service fair and one of them is actively working on the

committee. The committee is working a team on the Holiday Party. There are no other

workshops until the new year. Lori encourages everyone to attend and participate in the parade

or performance portion of the Holiday Party.

Sponsorship Committee


Not active at this time. Russ has someone who is working on acquiring info and ideas for when

the committee starts up again.

No Disruptions Annie C.

Committee is going well, seven great team members plus Annie. She has already found seven

new folks for the next quarter and she will be meeting with each of them in December before the

new quarter starts in January.

Facebook Kimmy H/Rena/Lori D/Russell/Jenni R and Rina S are admins

It’s been going well. Have had to take down a few things because they’ve included outside

group links. Instead do a screen shot or save the photo and post it.

You cannot find the Facebook group – it is a super secret hidden Facebook group that you need

to be invited to. You need to friend Lori or Russell or any of the admins – she is putting

instructions in the meeting chat on what to do. They do vet people and that is why they keep it

close, that’s the only way to keep it hidden and protect anonymity. If you have a different name

on Facebook let them know because they will not be certain that it is you. There have been bots

recently so they are being extra careful. They err on the side of security because they want to

protect it. Lori adds that if you have shut down your Facebook page and restarted and only havea very few friends, because otherwise if they see that they will think your page was hacked and

won’t friend you. Lots of interaction there and a good place for recovery.

Russ wants to write a blurb to put an announcement about it in chat back into the meeting. They

have some additional tools to vet people. Russ asks if anyone has any issues with it being put

back out there into the chat stream during the meeting. Annie C clarified that it is just a chat post

not a spoken announcement. Russ and Lori will write a blurb.

Newcomer Meeting Rep - Fran

They elected their new positions for the month and everything is going well.

Virtual Region Delegate and World Service Delegate Maryhelen

Maryhelen not present.

Ongoing Business:


We will now be on the every other year cycle of two positions.

Secretary- Catherine P . has been nominated to serve for the next two years - Russ asks if any

other nominations - none. 15/19 Catherine is elected.

Chair- Catherine P . nominates Russell W. Lori D. seconds - call for any other nominations -

none - Russ accepts. 15/20 Russ is elected.

We will continue the election for intergroup reps next month because the person nominated isn’t


New Business

Matthew asks for the group and officers to consider setting some of our money aside for

scholarship money. The idea being a scholarship to go to the in person retreat we are talking

about. Russ reiterates his concern about using funds raised for virtual purposes for an in person


Carla says she wants us to first decide which funds we are going to send to the region and

world service before putting money anywhere else.

Next business meeting we will have another discussion about it when we have more information

about the retreat etc.

Nan suggests going to another Intergroup to ask them how they set up their budget.Mike S. says that when he gives to the intergroup he trusts that the group conscience will direct

the funds where they will best serve the intergroup. So he wouldn’t have a problem with them

being used.

Russ says we will look into everything about what we want to give up the chain and then we will

take group conscience etc.

Charna raises concerns about people talking about specific medications and treatments in

peoples shares. She asks if anyone shares concerns about that.

Matthew B. says he supports that 100% when we share we do it in a general way - we take

prescriptions not what ones specifically.

Russ says that he had concerns about a share recently that was much too specific about

trauma. He agrees that we should take this to committees and address it.

Jen V. is asking for clarity on people not mentioning specific foods - per Russ/Matthew we don’t

have any restrictions on talking about specific foods in shares. We do not want people to glorify

it but people are allowed to talk about specific foods.

Charna agrees as well about the trauma piece. She doesn’t know what verbage but she agrees.

Her concern is about the specificity that people go into with trauma.

Nan says one of the meetings she goes to says you can mention foods but don’t get specific.

Russ says before the next business meeting in the working group we’ll throw out a bunch of

ideas and see what we come up with. Brainstorming ideas for how to word guidelines around

food talk, trauma etc.

Annie C. asks if there is something that gets sent to our speakers when they sign up that we

could add these guidelines to.

Russ says people will always be outside the box occasionally no matter what we do. He

suggests we can use mute, leave the meeting etc to protect our own recovery - because there

will always be outliers. There is a fine line between what we can and can’t control.

Charna says she didn’t mean to get us too far into what we should edit out of peoples stories

and trauma, medication etc is all part of peoples stories but just not to be too specific.

Russ says we will throw it out in the pre-meeting and see what we come up with.

Charna asks if people can write a paragraph as a suggestion - Russ says yes please send that

along and we’ll send it to the Host/Co-host committee if approved.

No other new business.Matthew B. makes motion to adjourn Mike S. seconds motion passes. There was no vote

count before the recording was stopped.

Russell will stick around for 15 minutes in case anyone wants to discuss anything. Close with

Serenity prayer.

Meeting adjourned.


*It is this groups conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by

group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it

again without changes.

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro”

3 members to speak not in favor “con”

on the motion with one min each to present their views.

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be

taken and the motion is to be voted on.

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family Better Together Virtual

Intergroup (BTVIG) Business Meeting First Sunday each month (Second if first is a holiday weekend)

Room Opens at 6 PM (CT)

December Agenda 2024

Premeeting Chair and Officer Agenda

Sunday December 5, 2024

6:00 PM ET

Officers and Committee Chairs BTVIG/Working Group to Brainstorm Together:

Starting at 6:00 PM Eastern Time 

(5 CT – 4 MT - 3 PT) via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family 

The business meeting will follow a working session of the officers and any of the committee chairs. The meeting is open to everyone but as it is a working session the discussion will be with the officers and chairs only. This means that the zoom room will open at 6pm eastern on 11/3/24. If available time is left open questions will be allowed.

I look forward to seeing you all if you are available.


Discuss the numbers that are being collected.

- average end time

Issues from Committee Chairs:

Request a quarterly Service Saturday (Intergroup) workshop committee? Set up dates for 2025 quarterly Service Saturday 

Update from Host/co-host/no disruptions 

Wording of one rule 

-Open Forum:

Explanation of the Officer Terms: As per the by-laws Section 5 - Term of Office
A. Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years. 

1) On even-numbered years the chair and secretary shall be elected. On odd-numbered years the vice chair and treasurer shall be elected.
2) Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election. 

B. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. 

C. After an interval of two years, a member may again be eligible for election to their prior office.
D. Upon election to the board, members shall cease to be a representative of their group they represent, and that group shall choose a new IR.

The Better Together Virtual Intergroup Business Meeting

Start Time: 7:00 PM Eastern          End Time: 8:15 or earlier by motion


Chairperson:       Russell W                                  Secretary:  Catherine P.

Term:  1/2023  - 12/2024                           Term:  1/2024  - 12/2024            

Vice Chairperson:       Lori D                    Treasurer:    Carla C.

Term:  1/2023  - 12/2025                            Term:  1/2024  - 12/2025

Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday December 5, 2024

7:00 PM ET

 via Zoom @ Meeting ID: 558 759 5395 PW: family

Welcoming:(Start recording and AI)

Chairperson: Russell W   


Opening Prayer: 

God set aside everything we think we know about our higher power, about ourselves, about this intergroup, and our own recovery so we may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help us see the truth.

Minutes: Reading / Waiver of Reading / Motion to Approve

Secretary:  Catherine P.

Reports from Officers:

Lori D         - Vice Chairperson   

Catherine P        - Secretary 

Carla C -       - Treasurer    

BTVIG Committee Chair Reports and 

Data Tech 

Data tech - Matthew B.

Lori -Host / Co-host

Catherine P -Zoom Service Training

Sonya P. -Member Contact list

Matthew B    -Communications Newsletter

Kelly M -Welcome Committee

          -Speaker Seekers

Lori              -Workshops

not active       -Sponsorship Committee

Annie -     -No Disruptions

Russell   -Facebook: Admins: Kimmy H, Lori D, Russell W, Jenni R, Rena S

BTVIG Meeting Delegates:

- Newcomer Meeting Rep

* World Service- Mary Helen appointed for one year to fill in until nominations in November 2024

Mary Helen- Virtual Region Delegate

Mary Helen- World Service Office Delegate 

World Services and or Regional Visitors:

Ongoing business to review:

Motions Discussions from previous meeting:

Election Nominations 

Election Vote

*It is the group’s conscience as per a previous motion approved by group conscience:
When a motion is to be voted on the Chair seeks 3 members to speak in favor “pro” and 3 members to speak not in favor “con” on the motion with one min each to present their views.  When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken the motion is to be voted on. 

New business:

Call for any new business:

Any member in the zoom BM zoom room can bring up new business, to be considered in the meeting. Make a motion, ask a question, begin a conversation about this BTVIG Intergroup

Your voice is welcome, this is your business meeting!

What’s on your mind

End meeting motion

Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Close Meeting

Robert's Rules Hints:  

What does Point of Order mean?

In parliamentary procedure, a point of order occurs when someone draws attention to a rule violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly.

(deliberative = relating to or intended for consideration or discussion)

The BTVIG Business is a deliberative assembly.

What does making a motion mean?

Motions are statements that describe a proposed action or decision. Although the formality of Robert's Rules can seem cumbersome, the process of making motions ensures that no decision is accepted without the opportunity for discussion and a vote.

How to introduce a motion, you would say,

“I move that … followed by a statement of the proposal.”  

The motion is not discussed until it has been seconded by someone. Purpose of requiring a seconding of a motion is to confirm that more than one member of the assembly wishes to discuss it. No second, no motion.


*It is this group's conscience as per the BTVIG policy and Bylaws that motions are approved by group conscience, and to be voted on the month after the motion was presented.

When a motion is to be voted on, the person who made the motion must be present and state it again without changes. 

The Chair will then seek,

3 members to speak in favor “pro” 

3 members to speak not in favor “con” 

on the motion with one min each to present their views.  

When these 6 members have finished presenting their views there is no other discussion to be taken and the motion is to be voted on. 

Connect with Officers and Committees









Welcome Committee

Speaker Seeker Committee

Workshop Committee

Newsletter Committee

Training Committee

Website Committee

Newcomer Meeting Committee